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Skin Boosters

All Aesthetics Treatments are performed by Qualified Specialists


 Seventy Hyal 

Looking to restore your skin’s youthfulness?


Our Seventy Hyal treatment offers the perfect solution.


Our anti-aging luxury treatment is designed to deliver optimum hydration, rejuvenation and a glowing complexion.




  • Improves hydration levels within the skin

  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Stimulates collagen and elastin

  • Improves the integrity and quality of the skin

  • Adds subtle volume

  • Gives skin a refreshed and healthy glow




Single Session: £165.00

Course of 3: £375.00 (Recommend)



**A Combination of both LUMI EYES and SEVENTY HYAL can be performed on the same day**


 Lumi Eyes 

Say goodbye to dark circles and droopy eyes with our Lumi Eyes treatment.


Our team of professional technician will provide you with a safe and effective treatment that will leave your eyes looking bright and sparkling.


You'll love our exceptional service and will leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.




  • Repairs, reconstructs and illuminates the skin around the eyes.

  • Improves skin elasticity.

  • Revitalises the tear ducts.

  • Strengthens and tightens the skin.

  • Skin rejuvenation and hydration.

  • Reduces skin pigmentation.




Single Session: £140.00

Course of 3: £360.00 (Recommend)







Beauty Consultant


  1. Avoid Touching the Treated Area
    After the skin booster treatment, avoid touching the treated area for at least six hours.

  2. Apply Ice Packs
    To reduce swelling and discomfort, apply ice packs to the treated area for up to 20
    minutes at a time, several times a day. 

  3. Avoid Strenuous Exercise
    Avoid strenuous exercise and other activities that cause sweating for at least 24 hours
    after the treatment. 

  4. Use a Gentle Cleanser
    Use a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser to wash your face for the first few days after the
    treatment. Avoid using hot water and aggressive scrubbing, which can irritate the skin.

  5. Moisturise Regularly
    Moisturising your skin is essential after a skin booster treatment. 

  6. Avoid Makeup for the First Day
    After the skin booster treatment, avoid using makeup for at least the first day. 

  7. Avoid Alcohol and Smoking
    Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking for at least 24 hours after the treatment. 

  8. Follow Your Aesthetician's aftercare Instructions

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